fromname="Ali Okan Yuksel"
msg="bu bir deneme mailidir"
echo -e "to: ${to}\nsubject: deneme\n\n ${msg}" | ssmtp -f "${from}" -F "${fromname}" ${to}
Thursday, March 31, 2016
wkhtmltopdf: html to pdf converter
"/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf %s %s" % (html_template, pdfout)
"/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf -q -L 0 -R 0 -B 0 -T 0 --disable-smart-shrinking --zoom 0.7821 --encoding UTF-8 %s %s" % (html_template, pdfout))
"/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf -q -L 0 -R 0 -B 0 -T 0 --disable-smart-shrinking --zoom 0.7821 --encoding UTF-8 %s %s" % (html_template, pdfout))
radius performance testing with radperf tool
Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting. Performance, scalability, load testing, and validation.
One of the most critical steps when building a RADIUS system is performance characterisation. This means testing the system to see if both authentication (i.e., read-only) and accounting (i.e., read-write) behavior is acceptable.
In many cases, the performance will be good enough for normal loads. However, high loads are commonly seen when a NAS reboots and many users flood the network at the same time. If the system cannot handle this load, then it will be unsuitable for a production environment.
RadPerf helps you make this determination. It can send both authentication and accounting packets at varying rates. Even better, you do not need to know anything about RADIUS in order to use RadPerf.
Starting with a list of users and passwords in a CSV file, RadPerf can generate both authentication and accounting packets. It can simulate spikes in traffic, long-lived user sessions, and end-to-end user behavior.
Once RadPerf has finished testing, it produces a set of reports that summarize offered load versus accepted load. Total accepted packets per second can quickly be determined. These reports gives you the data that you need to make an informed decision about placing a system into production.
radperf-u14.04# ./radperf -A1,5 -c 1 -p 100 -s -f test.csv auth mysecretkey
-A1,5 parametresi ile 1 saniye sonra CREATE accounting request 5 SANIYE sonra ise DELETE request gonderilmesini sagliyoruz.
-p paralel 100 gonderim yapildigini anlamina geliyor.
radperf - Performance testing tool for RADIUS systems.
Copyright (C) 2012 Network RADIUS SARL. All rights reserved.
Usage: radperf [options] server[:port] <command> [<secret>]
<command> One of auth, acct, status, coa, or disconnect.
-a type Use authentication method <type> (pap, chap, none)
-A d,l After Access-Accept, send accounting packets.
-c count Send each packet 'count' times.
-d raddb Set dictionary directory.
-D file Print packet statistics to file
-f file Read packets from file, not stdin.
-F Update Framed-IP-Address, too.
-n num Send a maximum of 'num' packets per second
-p num Send a maximum of 'num' packets in parallel.
-q Do not print anything out.
-r retries If timeout, retry sending the packet 'retries' times.
-R realm Realm name to append to the User-Name
-s Print out summary information of auth results.
-S file read secret from file, not command line.
-t timeout Wait 'timeout' seconds before retrying (may be a floating point number).
-T template Use template file with every request
-u number Generate requests for 'number' users.
-v Show program version information.
-x Debugging mode.
-4 Use IPv4 address of server
-6 Use IPv6 address of server.
Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting. Performance, scalability, load testing, and validation.
One of the most critical steps when building a RADIUS system is performance characterisation. This means testing the system to see if both authentication (i.e., read-only) and accounting (i.e., read-write) behavior is acceptable.
In many cases, the performance will be good enough for normal loads. However, high loads are commonly seen when a NAS reboots and many users flood the network at the same time. If the system cannot handle this load, then it will be unsuitable for a production environment.
RadPerf helps you make this determination. It can send both authentication and accounting packets at varying rates. Even better, you do not need to know anything about RADIUS in order to use RadPerf.
Starting with a list of users and passwords in a CSV file, RadPerf can generate both authentication and accounting packets. It can simulate spikes in traffic, long-lived user sessions, and end-to-end user behavior.
Once RadPerf has finished testing, it produces a set of reports that summarize offered load versus accepted load. Total accepted packets per second can quickly be determined. These reports gives you the data that you need to make an informed decision about placing a system into production.
radperf-u14.04# ./radperf -A1,5 -c 1 -p 100 -s -f test.csv auth mysecretkey
-A1,5 parametresi ile 1 saniye sonra CREATE accounting request 5 SANIYE sonra ise DELETE request gonderilmesini sagliyoruz.
-p paralel 100 gonderim yapildigini anlamina geliyor.
radperf - Performance testing tool for RADIUS systems.
Copyright (C) 2012 Network RADIUS SARL. All rights reserved.
Usage: radperf [options] server[:port] <command> [<secret>]
<command> One of auth, acct, status, coa, or disconnect.
-a type Use authentication method <type> (pap, chap, none)
-A d,l After Access-Accept, send accounting packets.
-c count Send each packet 'count' times.
-d raddb Set dictionary directory.
-D file Print packet statistics to file
-f file Read packets from file, not stdin.
-F Update Framed-IP-Address, too.
-n num Send a maximum of 'num' packets per second
-p num Send a maximum of 'num' packets in parallel.
-q Do not print anything out.
-r retries If timeout, retry sending the packet 'retries' times.
-R realm Realm name to append to the User-Name
-s Print out summary information of auth results.
-S file read secret from file, not command line.
-t timeout Wait 'timeout' seconds before retrying (may be a floating point number).
-T template Use template file with every request
-u number Generate requests for 'number' users.
-v Show program version information.
-x Debugging mode.
-4 Use IPv4 address of server
-6 Use IPv6 address of server.
NTRadPing 1.5 RADIUS Test Utility
Posted: | 20 Aug 2004 |
File Size: | 71KB |
License: | Free |
Download: | /coolsolutions/tools/downloads/ntradping.zip |
Publisher: | Arndt Stajta |
NTRadPing is a useful tool for testing installations of your RADIUS servers. Through NTRadPing you can simulate authentication and accounting requests and send them to the RADIUS server making NTRadPing act as a NAS client.
Before you send the request to the server, you need to configure the server IP address, the RADIUS secret key stored in the server clients file, and a username.
All the other parameters are optional.
On accounting requests, the "Acct-Session-Id" attribute is also added automatically if you do not explicitly enter it in the request attribute list.
If you issue an accounting request, then the RADIUS attribute "Acct-Status-Type" is added automatically by NTRadPing depending on the type of accounting request you have chosen (start, stop or update).
In the lower left list box you can add as many RADIUS attributes as you like to your request. The list of available attributes and the relevant values in the two drop down boxes depend on the dictionary file RADDICT.DAT.
By checking the "CHAP" checkbox, you may force NTRadPing to issue authentication requests with a CHAP password instead of a default (PAP) password.
In the right list box you will get results about the RADIUS request, along with a complete dump of all the returned RADIUS attributes.
The parameters entered in the main window are preserved even after closing the application (they are stored in the registry).
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
freeradius installation, configuration and replication notlar
amac tek bir makinaya gelen radius trafigini birden fazla sayida makinaya cogullamak.
kullandigim modul:
# Replicate packet(s) to a home server.
# This module will open a new socket for each packet, and "clone"
# the incoming packet to the destination realm (i.e. home server).
yum install libtalloc-devel openssl-devel gcc
mkdir -p /opt/freeradius
cd freeradius-server-3.0.11
./configure --prefix=/opt/freeradius
make install
-/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default bu dosyada authorize, preacct bolumlerine ekleme yaptim, loglarin detayli loglanmasi icin detail ifadelerini ekledim
-/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/detail bu dosyada detail loglarin yazilacagi lokasyonu degistirdim
-/etc/raddb/clients.conf bu dosyaya client ip ve secretkey bilgileri ile alakali duzenleme yaptim
-/etc/raddb/proxy.conf bu dosyaya realm, home server ve home server pool tanimlari ekledim
-/etc/raddb/radiusd.conf bu dosyada ssl guvenlik uyarisini bypass etmek icin duzenleme yaptim
-/etc/raddb/users bu dosyaya manuel valid user ekledim
add to authorize, preacct
update control {
&Replicate-To-Realm := server1
&Replicate-To-Realm += server2
&Replicate-To-Realm += server3
add to authorize, preacct /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default:
update control {
&Replicate-To-Realm := server1
&Replicate-To-Realm += server2
add to: /etc/raddb/proxy.conf
client {
secret = mysecretkey
add to: /etc/raddb/proxy.conf
home_server remote_server_1 {
ipaddr =
port = 1812
type = auth+acct
secret = mysecretkey
home_server remote_server_2 {
ipaddr =
port = 1812
type = auth+acct
secret = mysecretkey
home_server remote_server_3 {
ipaddr =
port = 1812
type = auth+acct
secret = mysecretkey
home_server_pool remote_pool_1 {
type = fail-over
home_server = remote_server_1
home_server_pool remote_pool_2 {
type = fail-over
home_server = remote_server_2
home_server_pool remote_pool_3 {
type = fail-over
home_server = remote_server_3
realm server1 {
auth_pool = remote_pool_1
acct_pool = remote_pool_1
realm server2 {
auth_pool = remote_pool_2
acct_pool = remote_pool_2
realm server3 {
auth_pool = remote_pool_2
acct_pool = remote_pool_2
kullanici tanimlama:
add to: /etc/raddb/users
testuser Cleartext-Password := "password"
$ for i in $(seq 1 100); do radtest testuser password 0 mysecretkey; done
kullandigim modul:
# Replicate packet(s) to a home server.
# This module will open a new socket for each packet, and "clone"
# the incoming packet to the destination realm (i.e. home server).
yum install libtalloc-devel openssl-devel gcc
mkdir -p /opt/freeradius
cd freeradius-server-3.0.11
./configure --prefix=/opt/freeradius
make install
-/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default bu dosyada authorize, preacct bolumlerine ekleme yaptim, loglarin detayli loglanmasi icin detail ifadelerini ekledim
-/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/detail bu dosyada detail loglarin yazilacagi lokasyonu degistirdim
-/etc/raddb/clients.conf bu dosyaya client ip ve secretkey bilgileri ile alakali duzenleme yaptim
-/etc/raddb/proxy.conf bu dosyaya realm, home server ve home server pool tanimlari ekledim
-/etc/raddb/radiusd.conf bu dosyada ssl guvenlik uyarisini bypass etmek icin duzenleme yaptim
-/etc/raddb/users bu dosyaya manuel valid user ekledim
add to authorize, preacct
update control {
&Replicate-To-Realm := server1
&Replicate-To-Realm += server2
&Replicate-To-Realm += server3
add to authorize, preacct /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default:
update control {
&Replicate-To-Realm := server1
&Replicate-To-Realm += server2
add to: /etc/raddb/proxy.conf
client {
secret = mysecretkey
add to: /etc/raddb/proxy.conf
home_server remote_server_1 {
ipaddr =
port = 1812
type = auth+acct
secret = mysecretkey
home_server remote_server_2 {
ipaddr =
port = 1812
type = auth+acct
secret = mysecretkey
home_server remote_server_3 {
ipaddr =
port = 1812
type = auth+acct
secret = mysecretkey
home_server_pool remote_pool_1 {
type = fail-over
home_server = remote_server_1
home_server_pool remote_pool_2 {
type = fail-over
home_server = remote_server_2
home_server_pool remote_pool_3 {
type = fail-over
home_server = remote_server_3
realm server1 {
auth_pool = remote_pool_1
acct_pool = remote_pool_1
realm server2 {
auth_pool = remote_pool_2
acct_pool = remote_pool_2
realm server3 {
auth_pool = remote_pool_2
acct_pool = remote_pool_2
kullanici tanimlama:
add to: /etc/raddb/users
testuser Cleartext-Password := "password"
$ for i in $(seq 1 100); do radtest testuser password 0 mysecretkey; done
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
syslog traffic generation with loggen tool
/opt/syslog-ng/bin/loggen --inet --dgram --size 150 --rate 220000 --interval 60 --active-connections 2 514
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
linux: how to detect which application, command or pid deleted files
Sysdig is open source, system-level exploration: capture system state and activity from a running Linux instance, then save, filter and analyze.Sysdig is scriptable in Lua and includes a command line interface and a powerful interactive UI, csysdig, that runs in your terminal. Think of sysdig as strace + tcpdump + htop + iftop + lsof + awesome sauce.
With state of the art container visibility on top.
sysdig -p '%12evt.type %12user.name %6proc.pid %12proc.name %12proc.args- %proc.cmdline --- %evt.args' '(evt.type=unlinkat or evt.type=unlink) and evt.args contains /usr/local/app/db'
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Raspberry Pi 3 is now on sale for $35 (the same price as the existing Raspberry Pi 2), featuring:
- A 1.2GHz 64-bit quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 CPU (~10x the performance of Raspberry Pi 1)
- Integrated 802.11n wireless LAN and Bluetooth 4.1
- Complete compatibility with Raspberry Pi 1 and 2
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
change sqlite file size after “delete from table” or "drop table tablename"
The VACUUM command cleans the main database by copying its contents to a temporary database file and reloading the original database file from the copy. This eliminates free pages, aligns table data to be contiguous, and otherwise cleans up the database file structure.
The VACUUM command may change the ROWID of entries in tables that do not have an explicit INTEGER PRIMARY KEY. The VACUUM command only works on the main database. It is not possible to VACUUM an attached database file.
The VACUUM command will fail if there is an active transaction. The VACUUM command is a no-op for in-memory databases. As the VACUUM command rebuilds the database file from scratch, VACUUM can also be used to modify many database-specific configuration parameters.
Following is simple syntax to issue a VACUUM command for the whole database from command prompt:
$sqlite3 database_name "VACUUM;"
You can run VACUUM from SQLite prompt as well as follows:
sqlite> VACUUM;
You can also run VACUUM on a particular table as follows:
sqlite> VACUUM table_name;
[root@server data]# du -sh Samsun_data.db
2.3M Samsun_data.db
[root@server data]# sqlite3 Samsun_data.db "delete from data where ts<'$(date --date="2 days ago" "+%s")'"
[root@server data]# sqlite3 Samsun_data.db "VACUUM;"
[root@server data]# du -sh Samsun_data.db
1.2M Samsun_data.db
SQLite Auto-VACUUM does not do the same as VACUUM rather it only moves free pages to the end of the database thereby reducing the database size. By doing so it can significantly fragment the database while VACUUM ensures defragmentation. So Auto-VACUUM just keeps the database small.
You can enable/disable SQLite auto-vacuuming by the following pragmas running at SQLite prompt:
sqlite> PRAGMA auto_vacuum = NONE; -- 0 means disable auto vacuum sqlite> PRAGMA auto_vacuum = INCREMENTAL; -- 1 means enable incremental vacuum sqlite> PRAGMA auto_vacuum = FULL; -- 2 means enable full auto vacuum
You can run following command from command prompt to check the auto-vacuum setting:
$sqlite3 database_name "PRAGMA auto_vacuum;"
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